Creating a FlappyBird clone in Godot 3.5 devlog 1
I just have a bit of experience with Godot and with gamedev in general, so I started with this game as it is pretty straight forward. On a high level the main characteristics of the game are:
- Literally just one sprite going up and down.
- Constant horizontal move of the world/player.
- If you go through the gap in the pipes you score a point.
- If you touch the pipes, the ground or go past the “ceiling” you lose.
The game was originally developed with Godot 4.0 alpha 8, but it didn’t support HTML5 (webassembly) export… so I backported to Godot 3.5 rc1.
Note: I’ve updated the game to Godot 4 and documented it on my FlappyBird devlog 2 entry.
Not going to specify all the details, only the needed parts and what could be confusing, as the source code is available and can be inspected; also this assumes minimal knowledge of Godot in general. Usually when I mention that a set/change of something it usually it’s a property and it can be found under the Inspector on the relevant node, unless stated otherwise; also, all scripts attached have the same name as the scenes, but in snake_case (scenes/nodes in PascalCase).
One thing to note, is that I started writing this when I finished the game, so it’s hard to go part by part, and it will be hard to test individual parts when going through this as everything is depending on each other. For the next devlog, I’ll do it as I go and it will include all the changes to the nodes/scripts as I was finding them, probably better idea and easier to follow.
The source code can be found at luevano/flappybirdgodot#godot-3.5 (godot-3.5
branch), it also contains the exported versions for HTML5, Windows and Linux (be aware that the sound might be too high and I’m too lazy to make it configurable, it was the last thing I added on the latest version this is fixed and audio level is configurable now). Playable on (Godot 4 version):
Table of contents¶
Initial setup¶
Directory structure¶
I’m basically going with what I wrote on Godot project structure recently, and probably with minor changes depending on the situation.
Default import settings¶
Since this is just pixel art, the importing settings for textures needs to be adjusted so the sprites don’t look blurry. Go to Project -> Project settings… -> Import defaults and on the drop down select Texture
, untick everything and make sure Compress/Mode is set to Lossless

General settings¶
It’s also a good idea to setup some config variables project-wide. To do so, go to Project -> Project settings… -> General, select Application/config and add a new property (there is a text box at the top of the project settings window) for game scale: application/config/game_scale
for the type use float
and then click on add; configure the new property to 3.0
; On the same window, also add application/config/version
as a string
, and make it 1.0.0
(or whatever number you want).

For my personal preferences, also disable some of the GDScript debug warnings that are annoying, this is done at Project -> Project settings… -> General, select Debug/GDScript and toggle off Unused arguments
, Unused signal
and Return value discarded
, and any other that might come up too often and don’t want to see.

Finally, set the initial window size in Project -> Project settings… -> General, select Display/Window and set Size/Width and Size/Height to 600
and 800
, respectively. As well as the Stretch/Mode to viewport
, and Stretch/Aspect to keep

I only used 3 actions (keybindings): jump, restart and toggle_debug (optional). To add custom keybindings (so that the Input.something()
API can be used), go to Project -> Project settings… -> Input Map and on the text box write jump
and click add, then it will be added to the list and it’s just a matter of clicking the +
sign to add a Physical key, press any key you want to be used to jump and click ok. Do the same for the rest of the actions.

Finally, rename the physics layers so we don’t lose track of which layer is which. Go to Project -> Layer Names -> 2d Physics and change the first 5 layer names to (in order): player
, ground
, pipe
, ceiling
and score

For the assets I found out about a pack that contains just what I need: flappy-bird-assets by MegaCrash; I just did some minor modifications on the naming of the files. For the font I used Silver, and for the sound the resources from FlappyBird-N64 (which seems to be taken from which the orignal copyright holder is .Gears anyways).
Create the necessary directories to hold the respective assets and it’s just a matter of dragging and dropping, I used directories: res://entities/actors/player/sprites/
, res://fonts/
, res://levels/world/background/sprites/
, res://levels/world/ground/sprites/
, res://levels/world/pipe/sprites/
, res://sfx/
. For the player sprites, the
FileSystem window looks like this (entities/actor
directories are really not necessary):

It should look similar for other directories, except maybe for the file extensions. For example, for the sfx:

Now it’s time to actually create the game, by creating the basic scenes that will make up the game. The hardest part and the most confusing is going to be the TileMaps, so that goes first.
I’m using a scene called WorldTiles
with a Node2D node as root called the same. With 2 different TileMap nodes as children named GroundTileMap
and PipeTileMap
(these are their own scene); yes 2 different TileMaps because we need 2 different physics colliders (in Godot 4.0 you can have a single TileMap with different physics colliders in it). Each node has its own script. It should look something like this:

I used the following directory structure:

To configure the GroundTileMap
, select the node and click on (empty)
on the TileMap/Tile set property and then click on New TileSet
, then click where the (empty)
used to be, a new window should open on the bottom:

Click on the plus on the bottom left and you can now select the specific tile set to use. Now click on the yellow + New Single Tile
, activate the grid and select any of the tiles. Should look like this:

We need to do this because for some reason we can’t change the snap options before selecting a tile. After selecting a random tile, set up the Snap Options/Step (in the Inspector) and set it to 16x16
(or if using a different tile set, to it’s tile size):

Now you can select the actual single tile. Once selected click on Collision
, use the rectangle tool and draw the rectangle corresponding to that tile’s collision:

Do the same for the other 3 tiles. If you select the TileMap itself again, it should look like this on the right (on default layout it’s on the left of the Inspector):

The ordering is important only for the “underground tile”, which is the filler ground, it should be at the end (index 3); if this is not the case, repeat the process (it’s possible to rearrange them but it’s hard to explain as it’s pretty weird).
At this point the tilemap doesn’t have any physics and the cell size is wrong. Select the GroundTileMap
, set the TileMap/Cell/Size to 16x16
, the TileMap/Collision/Layer set to bit 2
only (ground layer) and disable any TileMap/Collision/Mask bits. Should look something like this:

Now it’s just a matter of repeating the same for the pipes (PipeTileMap
), only difference is that when selecting the tiles you need to select 2 tiles, as the pipe is 2 tiles wide, or just set the Snap Options/Step to 32x16
, for example, just keep the cell size to 16x16
Default ground tiles¶
I added few default ground tiles to the scene, just for testing purposes but I left them there. These could be place programatically, but I was too lazy to change things. On the WorldTiles
scene, while selecting the GroundTileMap
, you can select the tiles you want to paint with, and left click in the grid to paint with the selected tile. Need to place tiles from (-8, 7)
to (10, 7)
as well as the tile below with the filler ground (the tile position/coordinates show at the bottom left, refer to the image below):

On a new scene called Player
with a KinematicBody2D node named Player
as the root of the scene, then for the children: AnimatedSprite as Sprite
, CollisionShape2D as Collision
(with a circle shape) and 3 AudioStreamPlayers for JumpSound
, DeadSound
and HitSound
. Not sure if it’s a good practice to have the audio here, since I did that at the end, pretty lazy. Then, attach a script to the Player
node and then it should look like this:

Select the Player
node and set the CollisionShape2D/Collision/Layer to 1
and the CollisionObject2D/Collision/Mask to 2
and 3
(ground and pipe).
For the Sprite
node, when selecting it click on the (empty)
for the AnimatedSprite/Frames property and click New SpriteFrames
, click again where the (empty)
used to be and ane window should open on the bottom:

Right off the bat, set the Speed
to 10 FPS
(bottom left) and rename default
to bird_1
. With the bird_1
selected, click on the Add frames from a Sprite Sheet
, which is the second button under Animation Frames:
which looks has an icon of a small grid (next to the folder icon), a new window will popup where you need to select the respective sprite sheet to use and configure it for importing. On the Select Frames
window, change the Vertical
to 1
, and then select all 4 frames (Ctrl + Scroll wheel to zoom in):

After that, the SpriteFrames window should look like this:

Finally, make sure the Sprite
node has the AnimatedSprite/Animation is set to bird_1
and that the Collision
node is configured correctly for its size and position (I just have it as a radius of 7
). As well as dropping the SFX files into the corresponding AudioStreamPlayer (into the AudioStreamPlayer/Stream property).
These are really simple scenes that don’t require much setup:
: just an Area2D node with a CollisionShape2D in the form of a rectangle (CollisionShape2D/Shape/extents to(120, 10)
), stretched horizontally so it fits the whole screen. CollisionObject2D/Collision/Layer set tobit 4
(ceiling) and CollisionObject2D/Collision/Mask set tobit 1
: similar to theCeilingDetector
, but vertical (CollisionShape2D/Shape/extents to(2.5, 128)
) and CollisionObject2D/Collision/Layer set tobit 1
: Node2D with a script attached, and 3 RayCast2D as children:NewTile
: Raycast2D/Enabled to true (checked), Raycast2D/Cast To(0, 400)
, Raycast2D/Collision Mask tobit 2
(ground) and Node2D/Transform/Position to(152, -200)
: same as “NewTile”, except for the Node2D/Transform/Position, set it to(-152, -200)
: same as “OldTile”, except for the Raycast2D/Collision Mask, set it tobit 3
This is the actual Game
scene that holds all the playable stuff, here we will drop in all the previous scenes; the root node is a Node2D and also has an attached script. Also need to add 2 additional AudioStreamPlayers for the “start” and “score” sounds, as well as a Sprite for the background (Sprite/Offset/Offset set to (0, 10)
) and a Camera2D (Camera2D/Current set to true (checked)). It should look something like this:

The scene viewport should look something like the following:

We need some font Resources
to style the Label fonts. Under the FileSystem window, right click on the fonts directory (create one if needed) and click on New Resource...
and select DynamicFontData, save it in the “fonts” directory as SilverDynamicFontData.tres
as it is the font I’m using) then double click the just created resource and set the DynamicFontData/Font Path to the actual Silver.ttf
font (or whatever you want).
Then create a new resource and this time select DynamicFont, name it SilverDynamicFont.tres
, then double click to edit and add the SilverDynamicFontData.tres
to the DynamicFont/Font/Font Data property (and I personally toggled off the DynamicFont/Font/Antialiased property), now just set the DynamicFont/Settings/(Size, Outline Size, Outline Color) to 32
, 1
and black
, respectively (or any other values you want). It should look something like this:

Do the same for another DynamicFont which will be used for the score label, named SilverScoreDynamicFont.tres
. Only changes are Dynamic/Settings/(Size, Outline Size) which are set to 128
and 2
, respectively. The final files for the fonts should look something like this:

Scene setup¶
This has a bunch of nested nodes, so I’ll try to be concise here. The root node is a CanvasLayer named UI
with its own script attached, and for the children:
: MarginContainer with Control/Margin/(Left, Top) set to10
and Control/Margin/(Right, Bottom) set to-10
: VBoxContainer with Control/Theme Overrides/Constants/Separation set to250
: VBoxContainer.Score
: Label with Label/Align set toCenter
, Control/Theme Overrides/Fonts/Font to theSilverScoreDynamicFont.tres
, if needed adjust the DynamicFont settings.HighScore
: same asScore
, escept for the Control/Theme Overrides/Fonts/Font which is set toSilverDynamicFont.tres
: Same asHighScore
: VBoxContainer.FPS
: Label.
: VBoxContainer with BoxContainer/Alignment set toBegin
: Label with Label/Align set toRight
The scene ends up looking like this:

This is the final scene where we connect the Game
and the UI
. It’s made of a Node2D with it’s own script attached and an instance of Game
and UI
as it’s children.
This is a good time to set the default scene when we run the game by going to Project -> Project settings… -> General and in Application/Run set the Main Scene to the Main.tscn
I’m going to keep this scripting part to the most basic code blocks, as it’s too much code, for a complete view you can head to the source code.
As of now, the game itself doesn’t do anything if we hit play. The first thing to do so we have something going on is to do the minimal player scripting.
The most basic code needed so the bird goes up and down is to just detect jump
key presses and add a negative jump velocity so it goes up (y
coordinate is reversed in godot…), we also check the velocity sign of the y
coordinate to decide if the animation is playing or not.
class_name Player
extends KinematicBody2D
export(float, 1.0, 1000.0, 1.0) var JUMP_VELOCITY: float = 380.0
onready var sprite: AnimatedSprite = $Sprite
var gravity: float = 10 * ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity")
var velocity: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
velocity.y += gravity * delta
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
velocity.y = -JUMP_VELOCITY
if velocity.y < 0.0:
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
You can play it now and you should be able to jump up and down, and the bird should stop on the ground (although you can keep jumping). One thing to notice is that when doing sprite.stop()
it stays on the last frame, we can fix that using the code below (and then change sprite.stop()
for _stop_sprite()
func _stop_sprite() -> void:
if sprite.playing:
if sprite.frame != 0:
sprite.frame = 0
Where we just check that the last frame has to be the frame 0.
Now just a matter of adding other needed code for moving horizontally, add sound by getting a reference to the AudioStreamPlayers and doing
when needed, as well as handling death scenarios by adding a signal died
at the beginning of the script and handle any type of death scenario using the below function:
func _emit_player_died() -> void:
# bit 2 corresponds to pipe (starts from 0)
set_collision_mask_bit(2, false)
dead = true
SPEED = 0.0
# play the sounds after, because yield will take a bit of time,
# this way the camera stops when the player "dies"
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
yield(hit_sound, "finished")
Finally need to add the actual checks for when the player dies (like collision with ground or pipe) as well as a function that listens to a signal for when the player goes to the ceiling.
The code is pretty simple, we just need a way of detecting if we ran out of ground and send a signal, as well as sending as signal when we start detecting ground/pipes behind us (to remove it) because the world is being generated as we move. The most basic functions needed are:
func _was_colliding(detector: RayCast2D, flag: bool, signal_name: String) -> bool:
if detector.is_colliding():
return true
if flag:
return false
return true
func _now_colliding(detector: RayCast2D, flag: bool, signal_name: String) -> bool:
if detector.is_colliding():
if not flag:
return true
return false
We need to keep track of 3 “flags”: ground_was_colliding
, ground_now_colliding
and pipe_now_colliding
(and their respective signals), which are going to be used to do the checks inside _physics_process
. For example for checking for new ground: ground_now_colliding = _now_colliding(old_ground, ground_now_colliding, "ground_started_colliding")
This script is what handles the GroundTileMap
as well as the PipeTileMap
and just basically functions as a “Signal bus” connecting a bunch of signals from the WorldDetector
with the TileMaps and just tracking how many pipes have been placed:
export(int, 2, 20, 2) var PIPE_SEP: int = 6
var tiles_since_last_pipe: int = PIPE_SEP - 1
func _on_WorldDetector_ground_stopped_colliding() -> void:
tiles_since_last_pipe += 1
if tiles_since_last_pipe == PIPE_SEP:
tiles_since_last_pipe = 0
func _on_WorldDetector_ground_started_colliding() -> void:
func _on_WorldDetector_pipe_started_colliding() -> void:
This is the node that actually places the ground tiles upong receiving a signal. In general, what you want is to keep track of the newest tile that you need to place (empty spot) as well as the last tile that is in the tilemap (technically the first one if you count from left to right). I was experimenting with enum
s so I used them to define the possible Ground
enum Ground {
This way you can just select the tile by doing Ground.TILE_1
, which will correspond to the int
value of 0
. So most of the code is just:
# old_tile is the actual first tile, whereas the new_tile_position
# is the the next empty tile; these also correspond to the top tile
const _ground_level: int = 7
const _initial_old_tile_x: int = -8
const _initial_new_tile_x: int = 11
var old_tile_position: Vector2 = Vector2(_initial_old_tile_x, _ground_level)
var new_tile_position: Vector2 = Vector2(_initial_new_tile_x, _ground_level)
func _place_new_ground() -> void:
set_cellv(new_tile_position, _get_random_ground())
set_cellv(new_tile_position + Vector2.DOWN, Ground.TILE_DOWN_1)
new_tile_position += Vector2.RIGHT
func _remove_first_ground() -> void:
set_cellv(old_tile_position, -1)
set_cellv(old_tile_position + Vector2.DOWN, -1)
old_tile_position += Vector2.RIGHT
Where you might notice that the _initial_new_tile_x
is 11
, instead of 10
, refer to Default ground tiles where we placed tiles from -8
to 10
, so the next empty one is 11
. These _place_new_ground
and _remove_first_ground
functions are called upon receiving the signal.
This is really similar to the GroundTileMap
code, instead of defining an enum
for the ground tiles, we define it for the pipe patterns (because each pipe is composed of multiple pipe tiles). If your pipe tile set looks like this (notice the index):

Then you can use the following “pipe patterns”:
var pipe: Dictionary = {
PipePattern.PIPE_1: [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2],
PipePattern.PIPE_2: [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2],
PipePattern.PIPE_3: [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2],
PipePattern.PIPE_4: [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2],
PipePattern.PIPE_5: [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
PipePattern.PIPE_6: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
Now, the pipe system requires a bit more of tracking as we need to instantiate a ScoreDetector
here, too. I ended up keeping track of the placed pipes/detectors by using a “pipe stack” (and “detector stack”) which is just an array of placed objects from which I pop the first when deleting them:
onready var _pipe_sep: int = get_parent().PIPE_SEP
const _pipe_size: int = 16
const _ground_level: int = 7
const _pipe_level_y: int = _ground_level - 1
const _initial_new_pipe_x: int = 11
var new_pipe_starting_position: Vector2 = Vector2(_initial_new_pipe_x, _pipe_level_y)
var pipe_stack: Array
# don't specify type for game, as it results in cyclic dependency,
# as stated here:
onready var game = get_parent().get_parent()
var detector_scene: PackedScene = preload("res://levels/detectors/score_detector/ScoreDetector.tscn")
var detector_offset: Vector2 = Vector2(16.0, -(_pipe_size / 2.0) * 16.0)
var detector_stack: Array
The detector_offset
is just me being picky. For placing a new pipe, we get the starting position (bottom pipe tile) and build upwards, then instantiate a new ScoreDetector
) and set it’s position to the pipe starting position plus the offset, so it’s centered in the pipe, then just need to connect the body_entered
signal from the detector with the game, so we keep track of the scoring. Finally just add the placed pipe and detector to their corresponding stacks:
func _place_new_pipe() -> void:
var current_pipe: Vector2 = new_pipe_starting_position
for tile in pipe[_get_random_pipe()]:
set_cellv(current_pipe, tile)
current_pipe += Vector2.UP
var detector: Area2D = detector_scene.instance()
detector.position = map_to_world(new_pipe_starting_position) + detector_offset
detector.connect("body_entered", game, "_on_ScoreDetector_body_entered")
new_pipe_starting_position += _pipe_sep * Vector2.RIGHT
For removing pipes, it’s really similar but instead of getting the position from the next tile, we pop the first element from the (pipe/detector) stack and work with that. To remove the cells we just set the index to -1
func _remove_old_pipe() -> void:
var current_pipe: Vector2 = pipe_stack.pop_front()
var c: int = 0
while c < _pipe_size:
set_cellv(current_pipe, -1)
current_pipe += Vector2.UP
c += 1
var detector: Area2D = detector_stack.pop_front()
These functions are called when receiving the signal to place/remove pipes.
Saved data¶
Before proceeding, we require a way to save/load data (for the high scores). We’re going to use the ConfigFile node that uses a custom version of the ini
file format. Need to define where to save the data:
const DATA_PATH: String = "user://data.cfg"
const SCORE_SECTION: String = "score"
var _data: ConfigFile
Note that user://
is a OS specific path in which the data can be stored on a per user basis, for more: File paths. Then, a way to load the save file:
func _load_data() -> void:
# create an empty file if not present to avoid error while loading settings
var file: File =
if not file.file_exists(DATA_PATH):, file.WRITE)
_data =
var err: int = _data.load(DATA_PATH)
if err != OK:
print("[ERROR] Cannot load data.")
A way to save the data:
func save_data() -> void:
var err: int =
if err != OK:
print("[ERROR] Cannot save data.")
And of course, a way to get and set the high score:
func set_new_high_score(high_score: int) -> void:
_data.set_value(SCORE_SECTION, "high_score", high_score)
func get_high_score() -> int:
return _data.get_value(SCORE_SECTION, "high_score")
Then, whenever this script is loaded we load the data and if it’s a new file, then add the default high score of 0:
func _ready() -> void:
if not _data.has_section(SCORE_SECTION):
Now, this script in particular will need to be a Singleton (AutoLoad), which means that there will be only one instance and will be available across all scripts. To do so, go to Project -> Project settings… -> AutoLoad and select this script in the Path:
and add a Node Name:
(I used SavedData
, if you use something else, be careful while following this devlog) which will be the name we’ll use to access the singleton. Toggle on Enable
if needed, it should look like this:

The game script it’s also like a “Signal bus” in the sense that it connects all its childs’ signals together, and also has the job of starting/stopping the _process
and _physics_process
methods from the childs as needed. First, we need to define the signals and and references to all child nodes:
signal game_started
signal game_over
signal new_score(score, high_score)
onready var player: Player = $Player
onready var background: Sprite= $Background
onready var world_tiles: WorldTiles = $WorldTiles
onready var ceiling_detector: Area2D = $CeilingDetector
onready var world_detector: Node2D = $WorldDetector
onready var camera: Camera2D = $Camera
onready var start_sound: AudioStreamPlayer = $StartSound
onready var score_sound: AudioStreamPlayer = $ScoreSound
It’s important to get the actual “player speed”, as we’re using a scale to make the game look bigger (remember, pixel art), to do so we need a reference to the game_scale
we setup at the beginning and compute the player_speed
var _game_scale: float = ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/game_scale")
var player_speed: float
func _ready() -> void:
scale = Vector2(_game_scale, _game_scale)
# so we move at the actual speed of the player
player_speed = player.SPEED / _game_scale
This player_speed
will be needed as we need to move all the nodes (Background
, Camera
, etc.) in the x
axis as the player is moving. This is done in the _physics_process
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
ceiling_detector.move_local_x(player_speed * delta)
world_detector.move_local_x(player_speed * delta)
background.move_local_x(player_speed * delta)
camera.move_local_x(player_speed * delta)
We also need a way to start and stop the processing of all the nodes:
func _set_processing_to(on_off: bool, include_player: bool = true) -> void:
if include_player:
Where the player
is a special case, as when the player dies, it should still move (only down), else it would just freeze in place. In _ready
we connect all the necessary signals as well as initially set the processing to false
using the last function. To start/restart the game we need to keep a flag called is_game_running
initially set to false
and then handle the (re)startability in _input
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if not is_game_running and event.is_action_pressed("jump"):
is_game_running = true
if event.is_action_pressed("restart"):
Then we handle two specific signals:
func _on_Player_died() -> void:
_set_processing_to(false, false)
func _on_ScoreDetector_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void:
score += 1
if score > high_score:
high_score = score
emit_signal("new_score", score, high_score)
When the player
dies, we set all processing to false
, except for the player itself (so it can drop all the way to the ground). Also, when receiving a “scoring” signal, we manage the current score, as well as saving the new high score when applicable, note that we need to read the high_score
at the beginning by calling SavedData.get_high_score()
. This signal we emit will be received by the UI
so it updates accordingly.
First thing is to get a reference to all the child Labels, an initial reference to the high score as well as the version defined in the project settings:
onready var fps_label: Label = $MarginContainer/DebugContainer/FPS
onready var version_label: Label = $MarginContainer/VersionContainer/Version
onready var score_label: Label = $MarginContainer/InfoContainer/ScoreContainer/Score
onready var high_score_label: Label = $MarginContainer/InfoContainer/ScoreContainer/HighScore
onready var start_game_label: Label = $MarginContainer/InfoContainer/StartGame
onready var _initial_high_score: int = SavedData.get_high_score()
var _version: String = ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/version")
Then set the initial Label values as well as making the fps_label
func _ready() -> void:
fps_label.visible = false
version_label.set_text("v%s" % _version)
high_score_label.set_text("High score: %s" % _initial_high_score)
Now we need to handle the fps_label
update and toggle:
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event.is_action_pressed("toggle_debug"):
fps_label.visible = !fps_label.visible
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if fps_label.visible:
fps_label.set_text("FPS: %d" % Performance.get_monitor(Performance.TIME_FPS))
Finally the signal receiver handlers which are straight forward:
func _on_Game_game_started() -> void:
start_game_label.visible = false
high_score_label.visible = false
func _on_Game_game_over() -> void:
start_game_label.set_text("Press R to restart")
start_game_label.visible = true
high_score_label.visible = true
func _on_Game_new_score(score: int, high_score: int) -> void:
high_score_label.set_text("High score: %s" % high_score)
This is the shortest script, it just connects the signals between the Game
and the UI
onready var game: Game = $Game
onready var ui: UI = $UI
var _game_over: bool = false
func _ready() -> void:
game.connect("game_started", ui, "_on_Game_game_started")
game.connect("game_over", ui, "_on_Game_game_over")
game.connect("new_score", ui, "_on_Game_new_score")
Final notes and exporting¶
At this point the game should be fully playable (if any detail missing feel free to look into the source code linked at the beginning). Only thing missing is an icon for the game; I did one pretty quicly with the assets I had.
Preparing the files¶
If you followed the directory structure I used, then only thing needed is to transform the icon to a native Windows ico
format (if exporting to Windows, else ignore this part). For this you need ImageMagick or some other program that can transform png
(or whatever file format you used for the icon) to ico
. I used Chocolatey to install imagemagick
, then to convert the icon itself used: magick convert icon.png -define icon:auto-resize=256,128,64,48,32,16 icon.ico
as detailed in Godot’s Changing application icon for Windows.
You need to download the templates for exporting as detailed in Godot’s Exporting projects. Basically you go to Editor -> Manage Export Templates… and download the latest one specific to your Godot version by clicking on Download and Install
If exporting for Windows then you also need to download rcedit
from here. Just place it wherever you want (I put it next to the Godot executable).
Then go to Project -> Export… and the Window should be empty, add a new template by clicking on Add...
at the top and then select the template you want. I used HTML5, Windows Desktop and Linux/X11. Really the only thing you need to set is the “Export Path” for each template, which is te location of where the executable will be written to, and in the case of the Windows Desktop template you could also setup stuff like Company Name
, Product Name
, File/Product Version
, etc..
Once the templates are setup, select any and click on Export Project
at the bottom, and make sure to untoggle Export With Debug
in the window that pops up, this checkbox should be at the bottom of the new window.
By David Luévano
Created: Sun, May 29, 2022 @ 03:38 UTC
Modified: Sat, Mar 02, 2024 @ 00:23 UTC